3/21/10: The Investor’s Dilemma: Hang on for the Long Term – Or Cut, Run and Redeploy

As the economic tide rises and falls, every investor needs to re-evaluate his or her holdings and ask, “Should I stay or should I go?”  This is especially true if you were late to the last party and are now wondering where the exit is.  But is there a new party about to start – and are you at your limit or should you stick around for the fun?

Standing by the punch bowl pontificating brilliance:
•    Your designated debater and show host, Robert Helms
•    Co-host and chief party mix monitor, Russell Gray
•    The Godfather of Real Estate, Bob Helms

We’ve already done several shows on HOW to clean up your portfolio if you have underwater and/or negative cash flow property, so we thought it was time to talk about WHY you would want to bother – or if it just made sense to give up and move on to greener pastures.

Like most of real estate, there is no magic formula.  Instead, there are lots of things to take into consideration – many of which are personal, such as time frames, investment objectives and risk tolerance.

With that backdrop, here are the talking points for this week’s show:
•    Considerations When Evaluating Your Current Portfolio
•    When It Makes Sense to Hang On
•    When It Makes Sense to Let Go
•    Ramifications of Selling Beyond the Direct Costs
•    How to Answer the All-Important Question: “Compared to What”?

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