5/10/15: New Media’s Role in Helping Investors Find Opportunties

Ever since Thomas Edison electrified the world, technology has been changing how people connect to information, opportunities and each other.

Over 100 years later, that trend continues…

And just as radio, telephones and television expanded the reach of marketers…as well as the choices for consumers…today, podcasting, webinars, websites, mobile apps and even good ‘ole email…are changing how business…and investing…gets done.

Like all revolutions, there are early adopters…those intrepid pioneers who embrace the change and chart new territory.

When it comes to real estate investing education and content, The Real Estate Guys™ are happy to be among the leaders.  But we’re not the only ones.

In this episode, we visit with another pioneer in virtual real estate content to compare notes…reflecting on the past and looking towards the future.

In the studio for this edition of The Real Estate Guys™ Radio Show:

  • Your pioneer of pontification, host Robert Helms
  • His unsettled co-host, Russell Gray
  • Special guest, host of the Creating Wealth with Real Estate podcast, Jason Hartman

The Real Estate Guys™ radio show started broadcasting on regular radio…way back in 1997.  By 2007, we were on more than a dozen stations nationwide with plans to add more.

Then a not-so-funny thing happened on the road to broadcast fame and fortune…a little setback called the 2008 financial crisis.

Our then-producer came to us and told us our advertising base was drying up…and suggested we try something new called “podcasting”…to expand our reach with less reliance on advertising.

“Great!” we said….”What’s a podcast?”

Now…over 4 million downloads later…The Real Estate Guys™ radio show is heard in more than 190 countries….even though we’re still on broadcast radio too…just for old times’ sake.

Jason Hartman is the host of the Creating Wealth with Real Estate podcastBut back when we first showed up on the podcast scene…we weren’t the only real estate investing content creators.  Among them was Jason Hartman.

And over the years, we noticed that Jason didn’t put out just one podcast…but many…including his flagship Creating Wealth with Real Estate program…along with The Speed of Money, The Commercial Investing Show, Young Wealth and even the Holistic Survival Show.

Wow.  Jason’s a busy guy!

The point is that while new media may not have achieved the prestige of traditional media…yet…it’s arguably got more reach.   And it allows Main Street ideas to make their way into a marketplace that was traditionally dominated by just a few voices…arguably feeding a Wall Street agenda.

Today, thanks to new media, there’s more content and more choices for consumers…and a global, highly targeted market for advertisers.

This is a powerful development….because for decades real estate investing has been both a local and an insider’s game.  That means it’s been difficult for investors to go outside of their own geography and network to find deals.

But the new media of real estate investing is changing that…and it’s a win-win-win-win scenario.

When investors are able to affordably discover new markets and service providers through interviews and live events (like The Real Estate Guys™ educational market field trips)…they can “Live they want to live, but invest where the numbers make sense.”  Great!

Of course, when real estate sellers, brokers and turnkey providers can affordably attract buyers from all over the globe, they can do more business faster…and more profitably.  Terrific!

Then you have the local communities, where money from outside comes in and fixes up dilapidated properties, builds new ones…and creates jobs along the way.  Super!

And our personal favorite…the medium by which all these parties get introduced to all the aforementioned fabulous benefits…enjoys a growing and loyal audience…which in turn attracts advertisers, sponsors and affiliates.  Wonderful.

Of course, like any new terrain…there are some new rules of the road…in terms of etiquette, best practices, etc.

Along the way, you get new players…some are hardworking, quality people who are looking to add value…and occasionally you get some short-sighted takers…who usually get found out and fade away into distant memory.

It’s been said that half of being successful is simply showing up for work every day.  That’s something we have in common with Jason Hartman.

Listen in as we chat with Jason…and consider how the new media revolution will continue to benefit real estate investors worldwide.

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The Real Estate Guys™ radio show and podcast provides real estate investing news, education, training and resources that help real estate investors succeed.


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