A Very Personal Message from Russell Gray

I’ll keep this short and sweet …

After two decades on the radio and meeting thousands of our listeners at our live events, I feel our audience is like my extended family.

Many of you know in late 2019 I lost my high school sweetheart and wife of 41 years. It was by far the most difficult time of my life. And as much as I love my work and mission, I doubted joy would ever return to my daily life.

However, by God’s grace and a strange twist of fate, both love and joy are back in my life in a big way.

After over two years of striving to navigate a loneliness I’d never experienced before, I’m thrilled to say I am now engaged to be married to a wonderful woman who’d suffered the loss of her husband after 36 years of marriage.

We’ve both found a new lease on life and it’s exciting. Some say it’s also very inspirational, which is the purpose of this message.

My new love and I had the opportunity to share our story with the amazing Mark Victor Hansen, the best-selling author of all time (Chicken Soup for the Soul and so many more), and Mark and his wife Crystal invited us to write a book to share some of the many lessons we’ve learned through this journey.

So I’m pleased to announce that our book Love After has been released on September 23, 2022 and is available now on Kindle, or both in hardcover and paperback.

Whether you’re new to love, still searching, or have been married for decades, loss is something nearly everyone will face. We just don’t think about it much. I didn’t.

But life any difficult experience in life, there are many lessons. And just as in business and investing, it’s nice to get those lessons early from someone who’s already paid full price.

Love After is the fictional story (we want to make it entertaining as well as educational) of Jeff Diamond and Kimberly Langley, two recently widowed successful and mature adults who wrestle with the pain of loss and the challenges of finding new love.

The story is completely fictional, but the struggles, emotions, epiphanies all come right out of our real-life experiences. If you choose to read Love After, or gift it to someone who’s working there way through the loss of their lover, I hope you’ll find it enlightening and inspirational.

I’ve discovered that even in the darkest of times, it’s never too late for dreams to come true.

Click here now to order your copy of Love After >>


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