The Real Estate Guys™ are leading an enthusiast group of real estate investors on market field trip – and YOU’RE INVITED!!!
Click here now to learn more about the trip. We’d love to hang out with you in marvelous Memphis!!!

Cash Flow is King
If you’re a fan of the show, you know we’ve been spending a lot of time with Robert Kiyosaki. One of Mr. K’s favorite words is CASH FLOW (is that one word or two???).
We like cash flow too because it’s where equity comes from. Income properties are valued by the income they produce. More income equals more value (equity). So cash flow and equity investing are NOT mutually exclusive.
One thing you’ll like about Memphis is that properties there tend to CASH FLOW. Perfect!
The Market Matters
Investing is about being on the right side of demographic and economic moves. When people and money move away, markets weaken. When people and money move in, markets get stronger.
If you invest in something that others are moving away from (contrarian investing), you may get a deal or may get a dud. It depends on why the moves are happening. Do you know what’s happening in the markets you’re in? Do you know how to tell? One the biggest benefits of a field trip with The Real Estate Guys™ is we talk about how to read a market. That’s a skill you can use in ANY market you visit.
On the trip, we’ll talk about what’s moving in Memphis and why. Good quality of life, low cost of living, and no state income tax are just some of the attractions for both people and businesses. We think you’ll be pleasantly surprised!
Market Analysis – A Critical Skill for Real Estate Investors
Most people don’t pick markets strategically. They find a “good deal” and buy it, then figure the market out later.
And many real estate “tours” are about selling properties, not learning the market. When you explore a market with The Real Estate Guys™, we focus on explaining the market. While you can learn a lot about a market from a distance (thanks to Google!), there’s no substitute for actually being there. And when you’re on one of our field trips, you have experienced guides and lots of other investors to learn from. Plus, we ALWAYS have a good time. 🙂
Join The Real Estate Guys™ in Memphis October 14-16th, 2011. Click here for more info.