8/26/12: Finding Your Inspiration – Your Next Billion Dollar Idea with Mark Victor Hansen

Success in anything, including real estate investing, requires energy, enthusiasm and creativity – especially when working through challenging times.  And it all starts with great ideas.

In our travels, we have the great fortune to run into some of the most exciting and interesting people in the world.  And because we cleverly carry our mobile microphones (which drives the TSA agents crazy), we’re able to capture these amazing conversations to share them with our listeners.  Cool.

Recently, we caught up with one of the most energetic, creative and prolific authors in history.  Now that’s a business (like radio) where great ideas rule.

So this episode is about unleashing your creative genius and getting excited about your possibilities – no matter what business you’re in, including real estate investing.

Behind the microphones energetically sharing thoughts to help you find your next big idea:

  • Your always energetic host, Robert Helms
  • Your sometimes thoughtful co-host, Russell Gray
  • Mega best-selling author and world renowned motivational speaker, Mark Victor Hansen

If you’ve never heard of Mark Victor Hansen, you’ve probably heard of his work.

The Chicken Soup for the Soul book series has been described by Time Magazine as “the publishing phenomenon of the decade” with over $1 billion in global sales.  And that’s just one of dozens of best selling books Mark’s been a part of, including The One Minute Millionaire and Cracking the Millionaire Code (both with well know real estate guru Robert Allen).

What’s interesting to us is how one little idea can pick up momentum and become a world wide sensation, touching millions of lives.

It’s surprising and inspiring when tells us how Chicken Soup of the Soul came about, and how many professional publishers told them it was a dumb idea.  It reminds us of how Fred Smith, the founder and creator of Fed Ex, got a poor grade in college for a business plan that changed an industry.

In real estate, we can think of successful projects, both large and small, which were considered crazy when they were first proposed.

Think about Las Vegas.  Many decades ago, southern Nevada was a desolate desert in the middle of nowhere. Not a great location for mega real estate development.

Then some Southern California “businessmen” start building hotels.  Like anyone would ever want to go the desert for entertainment.  How dumb is that?  Of course, today Las Vegas is the iconic entertainment capital of the Western United States.

In Silicon Valley, there’s a little mixed-use development where shops, restaurants, offices and residential units are all densely packed onto a small parcel on a busy corner just off the freeway.  Now if you’re from New York or Europe, that seems normal.  But the “experts” didn’t think a project like this would be accepted in the sprawled out suburbia of California.

Nonetheless, the “clueless” developer ignored the critics and naysayers and built Santana Row anyway.  Today, it’s one of the most successful real estate projects in Silicon Valley.

Can one idea be worth a billion dollars?  Mark Victor Hansen proved it can be.  And every day around the world, “crazy” dreamers are pushing through internal and external resistance to test their dreams in the marketplace.  Not every one will succeed.  But you can be sure that people who lack ideas or the courage to act on them will never succeed.

So dream big and then step out.  You never know if your billion dollar pot of gold is waiting for you at the end of your leap of faith.  Mark Victor Hansen found his.  Tune in, get inspired and learn to unleash the creative genius inside of you!

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