The Real Estate Guys Descend on Dallas – October Field Trip Report

Dallas, Texas – Oct 16-18, 2009

The Real Estate Guys Van Enters Downtown Dallas

In a whirlwind field trip, Robert Helms led a group of real estate enthusiasts on a guided tour of the Dallas area.  The group included people from as far away as Hawaii, California and Michigan and featured several guest speakers including a local real estate developer, a local property manager and a veteran out of state real estate investor.

Dallas is a huge geographic market with many diverse sub-markets.  Though impossible to cover all market areas, the field trip provided a great overview and focused on a few strategic marketplaces of particular interest.   Overall, Dallas is a very attractive real estate market.  It features a large population base, strong transportation and educational infrastructure, and a diverse economy – all nestled in the top rated state in which to do business.  According to the Governor’s office, Texas created approximately 70% of all the new jobs in the US last year.  Last time we looked, the best tenants were those with jobs!

Here's a Nice One! Let's Check It Out!
Oooh Aaah! Pretty Properties that Cash Flow!

One of the most attractive attributes of this market is the ratio between price and rents.  With today’s low interest rates, many very nice properties will cash flow quite well with a reasonable down payment.  The educational sessions on the trip focused on evaluating cash flow and how to recognize a good deal from a not-so-good deal.

The bottom line: The surveys said that everyone had a FABULOUS time on this field trip and felt it was well worth the time and money.  In fact, 100% of the attendees rated it a 4 (on a scale of 1-4) and would recommend it to others. Check out some of the comments:

Helped me focus on my goals…and learn what to research in markets and cash flow property.  Very strongly recommend.” – Peter E., Austin, TX

Absolutely a must! I will likely invest in this market soon.” – Markus M., Detroit, MI

Highly recommend!  It’s great to actually seen an area that is growing and makes sense to invest in.” – Jerry B., Turlock, CA

Bummed you missed it?  No worries!  Based on the success of this trip, we’re going again December 4-6, 2009! Join us!  Then YOU can put your smiling face in these pictures!

Robert and a Group of Happy Campers
Robert Helms (center) and a Group of Happy Campers

As you can see, SPACE IS LIMITED (that’s not sales pitch – we can only fit so many people in a van), so register now to reserve your spot!

If you have questions or need help, call 1-888-489-7723 or send us a message on our Feedback page.

A field trip with The Real Estate Guys is one very effective way to discover new markets and opportunities in real estate.  We hope to see YOU on our next field trip!


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