Mark Victor Hansen on How Big Thinking Leads to Big Results

As you look over your portfolio remember … the MOST important asset that you manage is your mind. 

Our minds are the source of all our best ideas … our dreams, our plans, our actions, and our results. 

Today we’re talking to the world’s biggest-selling author in history … and he is revealing how and why to train your brain to think BIGGER. 

Because Mark Victor Hansen knows … big thinking leads to big results. 

In this episode of The Real Estate Guys™ show, hear from:

  • Your big thinking host, Robert Helms
  • His pea-brained co-host, Russell Gray
  • Biggest-selling author in history, Mark Victor Hansen



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Your mind matters

Today we’ve got an incredible guest that’s going to challenge you to think big … and if there ever were a time when you needed to empower your amazing mind … it’s right now!

We say it all the time … how you think and what you believe affects what you do. And what you do affects the results you produce. 

Every day, the world is going to give you things to freak out about … and if you let that get inside your heart and mind, then it’s going to affect the decisions you make. 

You’re only going to see doom and gloom. You’re not going to see the flip side of all of that, which is opportunity. 

There have been people who have both failed spectacularly and have been ruined forever and people who have failed spectacularly and have bounced back. 

Then there are the people that have managed to not only survive those things, but thrive through them. 

So, what’s different?

Obviously it wasn’t the circumstances, because we are all being hit with the same situation. The difference is what’s between your ears … and the decisions you make with the resources you have. 

It all starts in your head. 

Dreams don’t have deadlines

Mark Victor Hansen is one of the biggest best-selling authors in the world. He has written hundreds of books and sold millions of copies. He’s the founder of Chicken Soup for the Soul. 

And Mark has things to say to those of us that can be our own worst enemy. 

“You got to hang out with other people that are doing bigger, better, more extraordinary things than you are,” Mark says. 

You can’t control the timing of everything … but luckily we live in a pretty amazing time in terms of technology. 

Technology creates fundamental abundance. You have access to the best and the brightest ideas at your fingertips. 

That means you can fill your head with crisis and despair … or you can listen to positive things that build you up, thrill you, and encourage epic experiences. 

Mark also encourages people to think long term. What is your big goal? Once you set it, your mind will focus in and start to go to work. 

Dreams don’t have deadlines … so find something that you want to do with your whole heart, mind, and soul and go do it!

“If you go for excellence, the money will show up,” Mark says. 

But remember … you don’t get in life what you deserve. You get in life what you ask for. 

Mark shares the story of wanting his own bicycle … so he decided to sell greeting cards to raise the money. 

“I’d go up to a neighbor’s house and say, ‘I’m earning my own bicycle. Would you like to invest in one box of Christmas cards or two?’ And because I was taking the initiative to ask, people would buy,” Mark says. 

Lessons from Chicken Soup for the Soul

You may not think of real estate when you first think of Chicken Soup for the Soul … but the two are definitely connected. 

The connection is your mind. As we’ve said before, what you put into your brain affects the way you behave … and what could be better than stories full of joy?

“The principle here for each and every one listening is that the creator is greater than his or her creation,” Mark says. 

Ever since he was little, Mark says he wanted to talk to people about things that mattered. “I wanted to enthusiastically get inside people’s minds and hearts with stories,” he says. 

Mark took that idea and ran with it … but that doesn’t mean he didn’t face uncertainty like we all do. He was simply able to keep his eyes on his big goal and work on the resources he had. 

“There’s unlimited opportunities in America. You just need to find a way to use your talents. Be the best you can be, and have a passionate purpose,” Mark says. 

Even with all that is going on, the world has never been richer than it is right now … and that goes for both dollars and opportunities. 

So, hang around big thinkers … people who can help you solve big problems and aren’t afraid to take things on. 

The size of your thinking determines the size of your results. 

For more from Mark Victor Hansen … listen to the full episode!

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