This might BLOW YOUR MIND …

Join G. Edward Griffin, Robert Kiyosaki and a host of other notable speakers for an event that will BLOW YOUR MIND …

If you’re familiar with the 1999 sci-fi movie The Matrix, you may recall the red and blue pills.

The blue pill allowed the hero Neo (played by Keanu Reeves) to remain in a computer induced illusion which SEEMED like the real world.

But it was fake … and hid the reality of Neo’s enslavement.

The mysterious mentor Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne) challenged Neo to take the red pill and “free your mind” to see the much harsher reality …humans enslaved by machinery.

Neo took the red pill.  Once enlightened, he became engaged in a very real world fight for true freedom.

But for one of Neo’s comrades, the artificial prosperity of slavery was too tempting.  It was easier to enjoy faux freedom than fight for the real thing.

What does this have to do with real estate investing?

Maybe nothing.  Maybe everything.

G. Edward Griffin’s iconic book, The Creature from Jekyll Island – a Second Look at the Federal Reserve, pulled back the curtain on the origins, mechanics and motivations of what is arguably the most powerful institution on the face of the earth.

It’s a VERY controversial work.  Not everyone agrees.  But it opens the imagination to the possibility there’s more to the Fed than meets the eye.

Some lay the blame for the dot com stock bust and subsequent real estate bust and mortgage meltdown directly at the feet of the Fed.

This alone makes the Fed worthy of study by any serious real estate investor.

The Fed could just be the tip of the iceberg …

The foundation of real estate riches is private property rights.

Every real estate investor should be VERY aware of any infringement upon their rights to own and profit from property.

But what if there are some people who believe your rights to profit from your property should be limited?

What if they’re working behind the scenes to infringe on your property rights?

Anyone paying attention knows this has been going on for some time.

It started innocently enough with eminent domain laws, which subordinated the individual’s property rights to the “greater good” based on the government’s best judgment.

Of course, there’s a long list of abuses of eminent domain.  But until it gets close to home, no one pays attention.

Later, the wars on drugs and terror effectively suspended constitutional due process … allowing the government to seize property first and prove guilt later.

Not surprisingly, there’s a growing list of abuses here also.

But again, so long as it’s the “other” guy and not you, it’s (maybe) okay.

Today, there are global environmental treaties being contemplated which may further erode your private property rights.  Where will they lead?  How will YOU be affected?

We’re attending the Red Pill Expo to find out.

More than just money …

On our 2016 Investor Summit at Sea™ we did a special panel discussion called Health – The Ultimate Wealth … which turned out to be one of the most popular sessions.

After all, what does it profit you to gain a fortune in real estate but lose your health?

This Summit session was born out of a personal crisis … when one of our very own was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer.

This horrible event led to an urgent study of the disease and treatment options, and ultimately to a shocking discovery about alternative treatments which are largely hidden from cancer patients.

We’d heard the stories.  But until we experienced it first hand, it just seemed like so much conspiracy theory.

But it’s not.

And it made us wonder … what other really important things do we not know about?

Standing on the edge …

Our friend and favorite teacher, Robert Kiyosaki, has taught us the importance of looking at BOTH sides of an issue … by standing on the edge of the proverbial coin.

Legendary shock rocker Frank Zappa said it best … “The mind is like a parachute.  It only works when it’s open.”

So we’re heading to Bozeman, Montana on June 23-24 for the Red Pill Expo.  We’re not sure what we’ll hear or whether we’ll like it.

But we have immense respect for both G. Edward Griffin and Robert Kiyosaki.

So when Robert Kiyosaki told us he’s rearranging his vacation to be in Bozeman, that was good enough for us.

Besides, the worst thing that happens is we’ll see a beautiful part of the world, and re-connect with our friends Ed Griffin and Robert Kiyosaki.

And who knows?  We might just pick up another piece of life-changing information or make yet another valuable relationship.

As Smash Mouth sang in All-Star, “You’ll never know if you don’t go.”

Click here now to join us at The Red Pill Expo.

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