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Ask The Guys – Infinite Returns, Gold, Cap Rates, and Cash Flow

It’s your questions and our answers. That’s right. It’s time for another segment of Ask The Guys … when we hear about the real-world challenges investors like YOU face every day. We have another great collection of questions from our loyal listeners … covering everything from infinite returns to gold, proper reserves, compressed cap rates, […]

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Are these two commodities trying to tell you something?

We’re still just a little more than a week removed from a mind-blowing 9-day mind-meld with brilliant thought leaders, niche experts, and seasoned investors and entrepreneurs … … so we’ve been busy catching up on the news and looking at the world through our freshly expanded paradigms. There are two things bouncing around our brains we think are important,

Are these two commodities trying to tell you something? Read More »

Can you handle the truth?

“You can’t handle the truth!”   – Jack Nicholson in A Few Good Men Neither optimists or pessimists can handle the truth.Optimists refuse to acknowledge the part of reality that’s negative … … while pessimists can’t see the ever-present opportunities hidden behind the problems. While we’d rather be optimistic than pessimistic, maybe it’s better to be BOTH.“The

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