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Freedom, responsibility, opportunity and hard work…

We’re a little late with this week’s muse … we’ve been busy finishing up an EPIC collection of interviews for our soon-to-be-released COVID-19 Crisis Investing Webinar Series. The original plan was to do a simple webinar with a collection of our big-brained friends. It turned into a MUCH bigger undertaking … in a GREAT way. Obviously, there’s […]

Freedom, responsibility, opportunity and hard work… Read More »

Grim warnings from Powell and the Fed push rates on home loans to new low

Even as building slows, the Fed is pumping purchasing power into housing. Short supply plus increased purchasing power could put upward pressure on prices. Of course, it all hinges on demand … will buyers be willing to take on a mortgage in such an uncertain jobs market? After all, even a zero percent mortgage payment

Grim warnings from Powell and the Fed push rates on home loans to new low Read More »

Ask The Guys — Pandemic Landlording, Equity Management, and More

It’s time for Ask The Guys … the episode where you ask, and we answer! We’re tackling timely topics … like how to manage property and portfolios during the coronavirus pandemic … and more! Remember … we aren’t tax advisors or legal professionals. We give ideas and information … NOT advice.  In this episode of

Ask The Guys — Pandemic Landlording, Equity Management, and More Read More »

Adding fuel to the high housing price fire …

High housing prices continue to be a concern in many major markets. While there are varying opinions on how to solve the problem, history says … and recent headlines concur … that adding fuel to the fire will be the likely “solution.” Here’s how it works and why it’s likely to create a lot of equity right up until it doesn’t … First, it’s important

Adding fuel to the high housing price fire … Read More »

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