1/2/11: The Art & Science of Setting Goals – Utilizing All You Are to Achieve All You Want

Happy New Year!

Everyone here at The Real Estate Guys™ Radio Show wishes you and yours the happiest, healthiest and most prosperous year of your life! And to help make that happen, we decided to kick off 2011 with a unique episode on Goal Setting.

We’ve noticed that people are attracted to real estate because of the huge amounts of money that can be made with relatively low risk and front end investment.  What other investment allows you to put a small portion down, get cheap money from the bank, and then pay it off over time with someone else’s (the tenant’s) money?  And if you’re careful about the property type and area, the odds are very good that it will be worth a whole lot more than you “paid” for it down the road!

But is it really the real estate that you love?  Be honest.  For most people, the answer is no.  It’s the MONEY!  Or is it?

Most people don’t really want the money.  They want the lifestyle that money will buy!

So it’s REALLY about the lifestyle. Real estate and the resulting money are merely the tools we use to build the lifestyle.

But like a master builder, before construction starts, there is one absolutely essential tool which will make or break the project:  the blueprint!  Unless the architect provides a well designed plan, no matter how skilled the builder is or how hard he works, the project is doomed before it starts.

So it is with your life.

Most people cobble together a life, putting together a job, relationships, investments and recreation without any real cohesive plan.  No wonder so few people are living the life of their dreams.

No matter what your age, social status, income or resources, as long as you expect to be around for a lot more tomorrows, then today is the perfect time to develop, refresh or refine your life plan.  What lifestyle do you really want to build?  Only then will you know how to invest in your time, energy and money in real estate – or anything else.

So this episode of The Real Estate Guys™ Radio Show features Robert Helms, and it isn’t about real estate. It’s about YOU.  And how you can get clear about who you are, what you want and what you want real estate to do for you.  Dream big because we all have a lot more potential and resources than we realize. The secret is to figure that out early in life and get to work while you have lots of time to build something awesome.  And only you can define what “awesome” is for you.

So we recommend you grab a pen and paper (maybe some tissue), find a quiet place to listen and take notes.  Then schedule some regular meetings with you, to stay focused and moving forward toward the life you design.

In the classic words of Zig Ziglar, “See you at the top!”

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