1/24/10: Practical Tax Tips and Insight with CPA Tom Wheelwright

It’s the most wonderful time of the year….

Not Christmas. Tax time!  This is the time of year when all the bills from the holidays show up in the mail, along with your 1098’s, 1099’s, W2’s, 1040’s and our personal favorite, the K1.  Let the fun begin!

Before you tune out, we invite you to listen to our recent interview with CPA Tom Wheelwright.  He promised us he could make taxes fun, to which we said, “Great!”

So we broke out some month-old eggnog, stoked the fire in the fireplace, and tossed a few chestnuts into the pan for some good old fashion roasting.

Huddled around the microphones to talk taxes:
•    Your Host, Robert Helms
•    Co-host and Financial Strategist, Russell Gray
•    A man who has probably paid more taxes than everyone else on the show combined, The Godfather of Real Estate, Bob Helms
•    Certified Public Accountant, Tom Wheelwright

Like little kids on Christmas morning, we came into the studio to open up gifts of tax wisdom from one of the brightest real estate tax advisors we know.  After a few opening comments, we got Tom Wheelwright on the phone and started the grilling.

Tom opened up with some paradigm breakers as he explained that taxes are not only fun, but actually a very powerful tool for wealth creation.  Wow! Sounds good to us!

Then we asked him, “What are the most common and costly mistakes most real estate investors make?”  One of his answers astounded us when he told us about a special form every investor should know about, but few use properly.  Getting it wrong can cost you many thousands of dollars!

It would be sacrilegious to talk taxes and leave out 1031 exchanges, but for most experienced investors, the 1031 is old news.  And in today’s challenging economy with so much equity in hiding, who cares about a 1031 anyway?  So Tom gave us some great tips on why we might NOT want to use a 1031 exchange.  What????

Now that the eggnog was kicking in, we got into some of the tax changes for 2010 (and beyond) that affect real estate investors.  Then he gave us the inside scoop on how to find a great real estate CPA.

Before we knew it, the show was over!  Time flies when you’re having fun.  The topic wasn’t as taxing as we thought!

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