1/27/13: Creative Deal Structure – How to Think Like Leonardo Da Vinci

It’s been said that if you do what everyone else does, you’ll get what everyone else gets.  To dig a little deeper, you might say that if you think like everyone else thinks, then you’ll act like everyone acts, and ultimately you’ll get what everyone else gets.

Therefore, if you want to break away from the pack and achieve and acquire extraordinary things, to quote Leonardo Da Vinci, “You must become an original thinker.”

So what does this have to do with real estate investing?

In the studio to discuss this intriguing topic for this episode of The Real Estate Guys™ radio show:

  • Your creatively brilliant host, Robert Helms
  • Special guest, author and consultant, Michael J. Gelb

One of the most enjoyable and challenging aspects of real estate investing is the uniqueness of each individual deal.  Many properties are one of a kind, but even when you’re negotiating on a cookie cutter property, market and seller dynamics almost always create a one-of-a-kind situations.  Add to that your own ever-evolving personal investment philosophy, financial resources, experiences and relationships.

Sound complicated?  Maybe.  But here’s the good news:  We live in a super connected world.  This means we can easily access the creative brilliance of others.  So we stimulate your thinking by sharing a few of the many creative deals we’ve seen over the years.

You’ll hear about how the Pizza Principle was used to help one investor get a free house.  And how another investor sold a vacation property, but is still able to use it when on vacation.   Then there’s the story of a guy who ended up with an orange annuity out of a deal.  Really.

Plus, you’ll discover how one creative developer uses entities to substantially mitigate transfer tax.  Good stuff!

Of course, if everyone is just copying other people’s original thinking, sooner or later there are no more original thoughts.  And when it comes to a great idea, do you want to be the last to know or the first?

The best way to be the first to use a great idea is to be the person who comes up with it first.  This means YOU need to develop a creative mind.

To help you, we sit down face to face with Michael Gelb, the author of the classic book “How to Think Like Leonardo Da Vinci“.   Michael makes his living training people in the creativity concepts he’s gleaned from studying Leonardo Da Vinci, arguably the most creative mind that ever lived.

So feed your creative genius and listen in to this brilliant episode of The Real Estate Guys™ radio show!

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