6/6/10: Happy Housing Headlines – Real or Not Real?

There’s lots of good real estate news lately!

Does that mean real estate is back?  Inquiring minds want to know!  So we decide to dig deeper into the headlines to see what we can find out. In the news room for this broadcast are:

  • Your host and chief news analyst, Robert Helms
  • Co-host and head article clipper, Russell Gray
  • Stone tablet reviewer, The Godfather of Real Estate, Bob Helms

Thanks to the internet, real estate investors have more access to more information than ever before!  But to whom much is given, much is required.  It’s more important than ever to consider carefully what is being reported, who’s reporting it, and whether the underlying facts are accurate.

We shoot through reports on news about housing, employment, consumer confidence and economic trends – all of which provide clues we can use to determine what’s really happening out there.  Of course, you always run the risk of paralysis of analysis, so managing your mindset is just as important as filtering through all the noise.

At the end of the day (and this broadcast!), it all comes down to taking action.  Knowledge is only power when acted upon.  If there’s opportunity in turmoil, then a key to success is to take action when others are hesitating.  How?  Tune in and find out!

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