8/31/14: The One Skill that Solves Every Problem

If there were only ONE skill you could have…the one that would help you overcome nearly every problem and get everything you want or need out of life…what would it be? Sales skill is the key which unlocks opportunity in life

That’s the topic of this edition of The Real Estate Guys™ radio show!

In the studio, to contemplate this curious question…

  • Your skillful host, Robert Helms
  • His problematic co-host, Russell Gray
  • The Godfather of Real Estate, Bob Helms

Our good friend, mentor and uber-successful real estate investor, Ken McElroy, says, “Sales solves every problem”.

At the time, he was talking about revenue being the answer to every business problem.  After all, when you have revenue, you can pay for all the rest of the help you might need.

But it got us thinking.  His statement is far bigger and more universal than simply making money.

In fact, most people only work at making money so they can use the money to do something else they’d rather be doing.  That’s a little sad, though very common.  But that’s a topic for another day.

Meanwhile, consider how sales skills translates into non-business areas of your life.

If you’ve ever tried to win the heart of the special guy or gal, or convince a headstrong child to make better choices in life, or simply want to win the debate about where to go on vacation this year…you’ve been using sales skills.

And if things aren’t going your way more often than not, it’s most likely because your sales skills need some attention.

We talk to LOTS of real estate investors.  Everyone wants to know the magic formula for picking the a great market, doing the best deal analysis, what kind of financing to use, or what returns to offer a prospective investor.

Sometimes our answer is a little rote…and irritating.  Because we always say, “It depends.”

That’s because life is a customized game.  It’s all about choices.

Better stated, it’s about applying customized solutions to very personal problems.  There is no “one-size-fits-all” answer.

The core skill of master salesmanship is asking the right questionsAnd the key to finding the unique solution to a particular problem is to master the art of asking great questions.

That is the core skill of master salesmanship.  Learn to ask great questions.

Think about it.

As real estate investors, we’re constantly negotiating with buyers and sellers, vendors and lenders, tenants and neighbors, partners and investors…and the list goes on and on.

It’s non-stop negotiating.

But isn’t negotiating simply finding out what the other party wants and is willing to do, and matching it up against what you want and what you’re willing to do?

Once you find some common ground you focus on it and build out from there.

When you get good at this (which is salesmanship), you can attract every other resource you need into your life.

And while we love the idea of educating, delegating and motivating to do more through other people, isn’t sales the core skill you use to build and lead a team?Skills take chance out of the equation and help you produce consistent, predictable results

So just like exercising,  you really can’t hire someone to do it for you.  If you want to have more in your life and business, then make it a priority to develop and practice sales skills.

Because if there is a magic formula to success, sales skills are it!

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