12/13/09: Ask The Guys – What’s On Your Mind?

What is the meaning of life?  Why did God create flies?  How many little styrofoam balls in a bean bag chair?  These are just some of the many questions that The Real Estate Guys will never answer.  Fortunately, our listeners have sent in much better questions!  To provide irrefutable answers to our listeners’ real estate questions, we decided to the gather together the world’s most brilliant minds.  But since they weren’t available, we decided to take a stab at it ourselves.

The professional pontificators in studio for today’s show:

  • Your illustrious host, Robert Helms
  • Financial philosopher, Russell Gray
  • The Godfather of Real Estate, Bob Helms

Answering your questions is one of our favorite things to do.  But because we want to keep our broadcasts topical and focused, we typically don’t take calls.  Instead, we gather up questions during the week(s) and look for common themes.  Then, we dedicate a show to sharing our ideas and opinions on a few select questions.  For this broadcast we addressed the following topics:

  • Is it dangerous and dumb to buy an out of area property without seeing it first?  Is there a way to do it safely?
  • What should I so with my negative equity / negative cash flow rental property?
  • What do you think about the investment opportunities in Southern California real estate?
  • I’ve been studying real estate for two years, but haven’t bought anything because I’m afraid of making a mistake. What should I do?

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