The Missing Piece to the Puzzle

We’re living in a world of great financial uncertainty. But inside all of that uncertainty are amazing opportunities.

People are worried about the finances todayThat’s really good news, because in an economy that isn’t creating many high paying jobs, with all kinds of queasy money distorting asset values and suppressing interest rates; plus rising costs of healthcare and other essential products and services, a lot of people could really use a great opportunity.

Maybe you’re one of them.

Coming out of The Great Recession (we know, we’re not really out yet…), the distribution system of money to Main Street was broken.

Because when the stewards of the economy, from the Eccles building (The Fed) to Wall Street to Washington DC, screwed it all up for Joe Citizen, the trust that holds all the machinery together was severely damaged.

So even though financial institutions are having a field day with cheap money in the Wall Street casinos, Mom & Pop investors are understandably nervous trying to navigate the resulting asset bubbles. (For insight into how scary paper assets are right now, click here)


Because now the near stranglehold that institutions had on Main Street assets has weakened.  So street level entrepreneurs have an opportunity to step in and serve the needs of savers in a way the institutions can’t.

YOU can be a part of it.  In fact, we’d argue that you NEED to be a part of it.

Big money just can’t do real estate the way small-time operators can.  Real estate doesn’t lend itself to mass production.  Every property, personality and deal is different.  And that inherent uniqueness creates huge inefficiencies that mega-money players can’t navigate.  And they shouldn’t.

Yet, bread and butter real estate…the kind that houses people and small businesses…is foundational to a civilized and productive society.  Otherwise, we go back to a world of nomadic hunter / gatherers.  Candidly, there’s a few super-models we wouldn’t mind seeing in a loin cloth, but for the most part a modern society is to be preferred. 😉

But if the institutions can’t really do basic real estate very well, that creates a real challenge for the good people who work hard, live within their means, and save money that they want to put to work.  Because if they can’t sit in their crib with their smartphone app and “invest”, they aren’t sure what to do.

Their problem is YOUR opportunity.

You’re doing all the stuff they don’t want to do (or if you’re not, you can be).

You’re already building a network and getting into the deal flow.  You’re out there looking at properties and finding the pockets of opportunity… right down to the street level.

You’re practicing and developing the fine art of creative deal making.  You’re willing to organize and oversee a re-hab project.

You’ve got property managers (or maybe you’re one of those crazy folks who actually manage your own properties) and you’re willing to deal with all the drama of tenants, toilets and termites.

In short, SAVERS NEED YOU.  And it’s more true now than ever before.

Think about it.  Savers can’t get any yield on bank savings.  Ditto on bonds.  And with no place for interest rates to go other than up, the principal value of bonds is fragile.  Meanwhile, stocks are arguably near a bubble.  Smart money is getting out before the bottom falls out again.  It’s a VERY SCARY time to be a paper asset investor.

But YOU can be the knight in shining armor.  You can show up with a REAL ASSET investing strategy.  You can help savers put their money to work in investments that have intrinsic value, produce income, benefit from (or at least hedge) a falling dollar and low interest rates.

It’s a PERFECT STORM of opportunity for you to become a syndicator.

Simply stated, a syndicator is someone who raises private money from investors and goes out and puts it to work.  It’s a serious business and a big responsibility.  But it isn’t overly complicated with the right education and professional advisors.

It’s something we think any real estate loving entrepreneur should be giving serious consideration to RIGHT NOW.  And of course, we have some resources to help you.

Here’s a couple of broadcasts we’ve done on the topic (look for the Listen Now button at the bottom of each post or search for episode title on iTunes):

Speaking of crowdfunding, attorney Mauricio Rauld has something on the topic in our Special Reports collection:

Here’s THE handbook on the subject, available in The Real Estate GuysRecommended Reading Bookstore:

And if you’re REALLY serious, we’d love to have you attend our Secrets of Successful Syndication seminar.  Click here for more info.

The great thing about syndication is you don’t have to have a ton of money.  You need to have time, intelligence, high integrity, and a strong work ethic.  With those, you can raise the funds, find the advisors, and make all the money you need by helping solve savers’ problems.

Right now, the market needs more good people to put money to work on Main Street, without funneling it through the institutional machinery.  That’s good for the the investors, it’s good for the community, and it can be very, very good to you.


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