Newsfeed: New IRS migration data: New York, California, Illinois are the nation’s big losers of people and their wealth, Florida, Texas the big winners – A Wirepoints 50-state survey

Newsfeed: New IRS migration data: New York, California, Illinois are the nation’s big losers of people and their wealth, Florida, Texas the big winners – A Wirepoints 50-state survey

Illinois, New York and California continued their streak as the nation’s biggest losers of residents and their wealth to other states, according to a Wirepoints analysis of newly-released Internal Revenue Service migration data. 

Newsfeed: New IRS migration data: New York, California, Illinois are the nation’s big losers of people and their wealth, Florida, Texas the big winners – A Wirepoints 50-state survey Read More »

Newsfeed: New 2020 IRS migration data reveals Florida is the biggest winner, New York is the biggest loser, in the competition for people and their wealth – A Wirepoints 50-state survey

Newsfeed: New 2020 IRS migration data reveals Florida is the biggest winner, New York is the biggest loser, in the competition for people and their wealth

Every year, states across the country compete with each other for people and their wealth as millions of Americans move between states. The stakes are large. A growing population for the winners means an increasing tax base, economic growth and investment. For the biggest losers, it means more difficulties in paying down debts, higher taxes and fewer investments for the future.

Newsfeed: New 2020 IRS migration data reveals Florida is the biggest winner, New York is the biggest loser, in the competition for people and their wealth Read More »

The Passing of a Patriot – Irwin Schiff (Feb 23, 1928 – Oct 16, 2015)

Irwin Schiff Dies While In Prison In one of the most tragic episodes in modern American patriotism, long time tax system critic Irwin Schiff succumbed to an untreated illness while incarcerated in Forth Worth, Texas. As long time listeners know, over the last few years we’ve become friends with Peter Schiff.  Peter’s a brilliant and outspoken pundit

The Passing of a Patriot – Irwin Schiff (Feb 23, 1928 – Oct 16, 2015) Read More »

02/22/15: New Tax Regulations Every Real Estate Investor Must Know

02/22/15: New Tax Regulations Every Real Estate Investor Must Know

It’s said the only things which are certain are death and taxes. We think this could be modified to DEBT and taxes….especially when you consider the relationship between the two.  BUT…we’ll put our tin-foil hats in our lead cased fire-proof safe and focus on the tax…er, task…at hand. We were out in the Phoenix area

02/22/15: New Tax Regulations Every Real Estate Investor Must Know Read More »

8/1/10: Economics, Politics and Real Estate – Interviews from Freedom Fest 2010

8/1/10: Economics, Politics and Real Estate – Interviews from Freedom Fest 2010

If you’re one of those who take The Real Estate Guys™ to the gym, make sure you carbo load first! This one’s a whopper!  Our radio audience only got an hour, but the podcast audience gets the whole enchilada.  That way whether you like American or Mexican, there’s something for everyone. A few weeks back,

8/1/10: Economics, Politics and Real Estate – Interviews from Freedom Fest 2010 Read More »

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