Unleashing the Millennial Mind – A New Generation of Opportunity

We hear about #Millennials in the news all the time.

Growing up in a social media world, they have a voice – and they’re not afraid to use it.

We felt it was time to talk about millennials on our show … after all, their generation is BIGGER than the Baby Boomer generation.

As an investor, it’s important to know about this group, since they will be your tenants, vendors, and even investing partners – if they’re not already!

Sure, some millennials are straddled with seemingly endless student debt, living it up in their parents’ basement until their thirties.


Others are starting valuable businesses, creating world-changing foundations, and making a difference in their communities.

We see an investment in the rising generation to be the best one you can make – for all of our futures.

Who better to argue the case for Millennials than someone who IS one? Tune in to our latest edition of The Real Estate Guys™ radio show with personalities:

  • Your #MillennialLivesMatter host, Robert Helms
  • His Millennial-daddy co-host, Russell Gray
  • Entrepreneur and Millennial Success Strategist, Sean Gray



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Why Millennials are a REAL opportunity for real estate investors

Some folks in business don’t consider Millennials as a viable market. We DO!

Millennials, defined by the Pew Research Center in 2015 as those between the ages of 18-34, number at 75.4 million. Their numbers have overtaken the Baby Boomers, meaning you need to pay attention to the purchasing power of this unique group.

Every time a huge wave of humanity moves through the cycles of life, they bring their collective consumption habits.

Whether you’re a Millennial yourself, the parent of one, or simply an investor looking to grow your business – there’s no getting around the need to interface with this generation.

They’ve spent their formative years in their teens and 20’s on social media and accessing information on the Internet.

We see them as bright, bold, with real potential to be movers and shakers.

Standing up for the “selfie” generation: Millennial Success Strategist, Sean Gray

Sean Gray is first to say he was “22 without a clue” when he graduated from college a couple years ago. His friends were starting jobs and he was at a standstill, not sure what he wanted in life.

“I remember sitting in Belize with dreadlocks,” said Sean Gray, who now speaks about strategies for millennial success. “I wasn’t even thinking about adding value to the world.”

Most people ask themselves the question, “What do I do to make money?”

Sean says mentors helped him ask a better question: “What can I BUILD that will afford me the lifestyle I want to have?”

Sean sought freedom to go the places he wanted, to spend time doing what he enjoyed.

The tricky part was getting started for Sean.

After all, how about you start creating the lifestyle you want?

“You don’t have to wait 20 or 30 or 40 years for that,” said Sean. “You can build streams of income around the places you want to live, doing what you want to do.”

He found inspiration in an event with Brian Tracy, where he spent time with other folks his age in a master mind group. They were inquisitive, bright, and had great ideas.

A millennial strategist’s biggest piece of advice?

“If you really want to go places in your life, start hanging around people doing the kinds of things YOU want to do,” said Sean. “It’s key to hang out with like-minded people.”

The way you think and the way you behave is a product of the people you are spending time with.

A lot of times, even those who are closest to you might not understand your vision. That’s OK. Just be conscious about who you let influence you.

Entrepreneur Jim Rohn talks about limiting associations with those who don’t help you. So perhaps instead of being around negative Aunt Nancy for days at a time, maybe visit for a couple hours instead.

Tips for parents of millennials

You might have noticed the same last name – yes, Sean is Russ’s son.

Russ realized that Sean’s struggles to find what he wanted in life weren’t the sign of laziness or lack of motivation. He was just confused.

It can be easy to get discouraged in this economy, and even daunting to start a business yourself.

“The hardest thing and the easiest thing was realizing I wasn’t the answer,” said Russ on the show. “It bruises our ego as a parent to think we may not be the answer, but in reality Sean needed more than I had to give.”

So what did Russ do?

He exposed him to a whole network of successful people.

The Real Estate Guys™ believe we, as the older generation, need to help those who are coming next. Passing the torch is an act of enlightened self-interest. You can’t help but benefit when you help someone else.

How millennials can let go of limiting beliefs and find CLARITY

What does Sean recommend for his peers who want to create a business that fits their lifestyle? Let go of limiting beliefs and take time to look at the big picture.

“Then five or 10 years down the road, you won’t be frustrated you plugged into someone else’s system instead of creating your own,” said Sean.

Why do so few make it? It takes real effort.

“If you’re down-trodden, take time to get clarity,” said Sean. “It doesn’t come overnight. It takes immersing yourself in positive ideas and having as many experiences as possible that help you achieve your goals.”

Listen in to our latest show for more insights on millennials in today’s real estate market. 

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