11/18/12: Don’t Give Up, Give Back – Turning Your Passion Into Action

Do you ever get discouraged or wonder if there’s more to life than just making money and having a good time?

As the U.S. celebrates Thanksgiving and heads into an orgy of consumerism starting with Black Friday and Cyber Monday, we thought it important to reflect on some of life’s higher purposes – at least as far as investing goes.

Behind the microphones for today’s inspirational episode:

  • Your higher powered host, Robert Helms
  • The turkey co-host, Russell Gray
  • The Godfather of Real Estate, Bob Helms
  • A not-so-ordinary investor with a purpose, Rita Khagram

We’re guessing you’ve never heard of Rita Khagram.  She isn’t famous or outrageously wealthy.  In fact, if you met her on the street you’d guess she’s just an ordinary woman working her way through life, which is true.  But then again, it’s only part of her remarkable story.

We first met Rita at a Rich Dad Advisor retreat.  Robert Kiyosaki asked her to share how the lessons of Rich Dad Poor Dad and the Cash Flow game had impacted Rita’s life.  When she finished telling the story, there wasn’t a dry eye in the room.  It was THAT powerful.

But in addition to being inspirational, there were also some very practical lessons about business and investing.  So even if you’re not that into heart warming stories, you’ll like this interview because Rita shares valuable practical lessons she’s learned about both investing and building successful businesses.

And while she’s no Donald Trump (yet), Rita has acquired over 20 properties in just 3 years, while also building and expanding a successful optician business.  She credits much of her success to the practical financial education she received through Rich Dad.

But there’s much more to Rita’s story than just her real estate and business success.

Rita was born into a culture that didn’t empower women.  Undeterred, she set off to achieve success in business and prove to her father she was every bit as capable as a son.  However, she paid a big price for her ambition.

Rita’s business took her away from her then very young daughter, who grew to be resentful and rebellious.  By the time Rita found success in business, she discovered she was failing as a parent.  It was a profoundly painful realization.  But she didn’t hide or quit.

Instead, she redirected the same drive which compelled her to prove her worth to her father and focused it on reorganizing her life and winning back the heart of her daughter.  This is where Rita discovered the teachings of Robert Kiyosaki and Rich Dad.

Realizing that she needed to focus on building businesses and generating income without trading time for dollars, Rita sold her business and began the hard process of rebuilding.  And a critical oversight in tax planning meant she had to start over from next to nothing.

This time, however, she maintained her focus on her family.  By the time we met Rita at the Rich Dad retreat, her daughter (now a young woman) was at her side and the affection between the two was apparent.  Rita has succeeded beyond her financial statement!

But, there more to the story…

When you listen to Rita explain all of this, pay careful attention to what she decided to do when she was between finding she’d lost everything and getting back to work to rebuild it all.  Not only was it a brave decision which reflected the new commitment to balance in her life, but it turned out to be what brought her to yet another watershed moment in her development as an investor and entrepreneur.

Rita had a profound experience while traveling in India, which brought purpose to her investing beyond herself.  But rather than tell you that part of her story, we encourage you to listen to this episode and hear it directly from Rita.

Then afterwards, think about the blessings in your own life and how, when you might be tempted to give up, you can find a higher purpose to inspire you to keep moving forward in the face of all obstacles.

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