3/20/11: Finding Your Unfair Advantage with Robert Kiyosaki

Since we’re big shot jet-setters, we thought we’d fly our semi-private jet (the one we share with with 135 other Southwest Airlines passengers) over to Phoenix to visit Robert Kiyosaki in his Rich Dad studios.

The author of mega-bestseller Rich Dad Poor Dad has a new literary derivative (that’s financial lingo for “book”) called Unfair Advantage – The Power of Financial Education. In fact, on March 31st, there’s a kick off event in Los Angeles by the same name.  We’d be there ourselves, but we’ll be in Fort Lauderdale prepping for our Secrets of Successful Syndication seminar and our 9th Annual Investor Summit at Sea™.  And there’s still time for you to join us.!

Whew.  Now that we have all the shameless self-promotion out of the way, let’s talk about this episode of show.

In the Rich Dad studios to talk about finding your unfair advantage in financial competition:

  • Your host and the fairest of them all, Robert Helms
  • Your fair (on a scale of poor-fair-good-excellent) co-host, Russell Gray
  • Author, speaker and entrepreneur, and most excellent dude, Robert Kiyosaki

It’s really unfair to say “unfair” advantage, since everyone has the opportunity to get a solid financial education. But in the real world, since so few people are willing to put in the time to learn, those with a good financial education appear to operate with an unfair advantage.  Kiyosaki says that’s why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

Those armed with financial education are able to make money in down markets as well as up markets. So while most people’s fortunes rise and fall with the ebb and flow of financial cycles, the financially astute just keep ratcheting up and up.  That’s the side we want to be on!

Financial competence isn’t simply a matter of information and how to. Every time we talk with Robert Kiyosaki he emphasizes the investor’s mindset.  His signature book, Rich Dad Poor Dad, is a study in the subtle but critical differences between how the rich and poor think about, value and handle money.  We’ve met many people who testify that Kiyosaki’s philosophies have changes their lives.

Kiyosaki tells us that “when the amateurs get in, the pros get out” and “the late-comers always gets killed”.  Then he tells us whether he thinks now is a good time to getting in to real estate.

The Real Estate Guys™ are very fortunate to have enjoyed a great relationship with Robert and the Rich Dad organization going on 8 years now.  We’ve read most of his books, interviewed many of his advisors, gotten to know several of the folks in the Rich Dad offices, and attended several of the Rich Dad conferences.  Of course, Rich Dad’s real estate advisor, Ken McElroy was part of our faculty on our 2010 Investor Summit at Sea and is coming back for the 2011 edition (there’s still room for you!). 🙂

All this to say that we’ve developed a strong respect for Robert Kiyosaki and the Rich Dad team.  More, we’ve found their message to be inspiring and empowering – not just for us, but for many of our listeners.  So whenever we have the opportunity to sit down with Robert Kiyosaki, we’re interested in whatever’s on his mind.  Of course, we brought the microphones along to capture the conversation for you.  We really enjoyed our visit and trust you will too!

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