4/3/10: Wholesale Opportunities – Using OPM to Heal Hurting Markets

Easy money caused hot markets to go super-nova. And when the music stopped these formerly high flying markets came crashing down in unprecedented fashion.  Now, there’s a BIG MESS to clean up – and that’s bad, right?

It depends on who you are and how you look at it.

Without re-hashing several of our past (and very excellent) broadcasts, suffice it to say that if you’re a seller in a down market, you’re not a happy camper.  But if you’re a BUYER, you’re a kid in a candy store – especially because prices have swung so far the other way, you might actually have equity on the day you buy.  Yes, Virginia, equity still happens.  But that’s a whole other topic.

Of course, who wants to be a penniless kid in a penny candy store (don’t even get us started on whatever happened to penny candy)?  If you lost your cash, credit and income in the recession, but can see the great real estate deals available all around you, there’s still hope for you!

We’ve been talking a lot about syndication (raising money from others and forming a business to invest in real estate), but there’s another, less complicated, way to profit in a market like this.  It’s called “wholesaling”.

You can wholesale anywhere, but it works best in markets that have been hit REALLY hard, the average price is pretty low, and whatever made the market attractive when things were hot still remains.  Hmmmmm…. can you think of any markets like that?

We thought of one and flew there to check it out.  We met a guy who is not only an active wholesaler, but he trains investors how to do it.  We thought you’d enjoy hearing from him, so we invited him to call in and share his insights.

Contributing to the conversation in this episode of The Real Estate Guys™ Radio Show:

  • Your wholesale host, Robert Helms
  • Your discount co-host, Russell Gray
  • Special guest, investor, entrepreneur and trainer, Lex Levinrad

Listen in and find our what’s happening in the South Florida real estate market and how enterprising entrepreneurs are helping heal a hurting market place.

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