6/20/10: Real World Economics with Dr. Mark Skousen

If you haven’t figured it out by now, macro-economic policy can create pain or pleasure on Main Street USA. We’ve also discovered that what pains Main Street USA can pain the entire world!  So even though it sounds super boring, we decided it made sense to talk about macro-economics and related policy.  Of course, to do this we needed to get someone way smarter than us.  But when it comes to real estate, the danger of listening to most economists is that they’re primarily academics with very little practical experience.  And often, whatever real world experience they do have is limited to just one state or country.  So imagine how refreshing and enlightening it would be to talk with a bona fide economist who thinks like a businessperson AND has real world real estate experience – not just in the US, but abroad!

That sounds like a TALL order!  Fortunately, when it comes to great radio show guests (and beer), tall orders are our specialty!

Bellying up to the radio bar to talk economics and politics are:

  • Your bartender and host, Robert Helms
  • Busboy and co-host, Russell Gray
  • Chief patron and Godfather of Real Estate Estate, Bob Helms
  • Economist, businessman, investor and really big brain, Dr. Mark Skousen

We hop right into the conversation by reflecting briefly on how the experiences of the last few years highlight the direct connection between macro-economic policy and Main Street reality.  We barley get started before we realize we’re in over our heads, so we draft our special guest into the conversational brew.

Dr. Skousen quickly helps us get a handle on the topic.  In addition to having a big brain and formal training, Dr. Skousen’s background as a columnist at Forbes Magazine and his role as the promoter of the annual Freedom Fest conference allows him to tap into the insights of such notable folks as Steve Forbes, Peter Schiff, John Mackey and many more.  In fact, The Real Estate Guys™ are headed to Freedom Fest in fabulous Las Vegas in just a few weeks to expand our minds and meet some of these interesting people!

Dr. Skousen reminds us that real estate economic cycles are long and sometimes slow. He also explains why, unlike others in the past, one particular asset class bubble managed to affect (infect?) the entire financial system of the world.  His comments remind us how truly influential real estate is across all segments of an economy.

Now we thought Dr. Skousen might have a dark (or least amber) economic outlook.  But our fears turned pale, as the good doctor served up a forecast of sunshine.  He shares the reasons for his optimism and reveals what he believes is the single most important ingredient for sustainable recovery.  However, he also expresses his concerns over certain currently policies which he says are actually delaying economic growth.  Then he talks specifically about one area of real estate investing which he says has been showing real promise.  Not surprising, it has to do with the private sector providing some much needed liquidity.  How appropriate!

Long time listeners of The Real Estate Guys™ know we’re big fans of international diversification. Dr. Skousen shares his personal experiences of living and working abroad and how, through his activities in Freedom Fest, he’s seen a marked increase in US citizens’ interest in off-shore investing and strategies.  Wow!  We didn’t know so many people were listening to The Real Estate Guys™.

Like our beer drinking, we have a great time with this show.  We think you will too!

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