8/7/11: August and the Economy Part 1 – Macro Market Perspectives from Two Mega Players

The aftermath of the debt ceiling vote and the subsequent S&P downgrade just adds to the drama surrounding the U.S. economy.

When you add the European debt crisis, talk of a QE3 on the heels of QE2, plus gold prices hitting record highs – it’s certain August 2011 will be remembered as a time when the entire world focused on economics.

Real estate investors from Mom and Pop to REITs are watching carefully to see what will happen with interest rates, taxes and job creation. The difference is that the mega players have huge research departments and access to the best information and analysis.

Wouldn’t you like to know what the big players are thinking? The Real Estate Guys™ are here to help!

We travel the world to capture the interviews you won’t hear anywhere else. We’re dedicating the entire month of August to bringing you insights and perspectives from economists, scholars, fund managers – and even a few politicians!

At the microphones for this exciting first installment of August and the Economy:

  • Your hot August host, Robert Helms
  • Your not so cool co-host, Russell Gray
  • Special guest; U.S. Global Investors CEO and Chief Investment Officer, Frank Holmes
  • Special guest, Renowned Market Analyst and Editor of The Wellington Letter, Bert Dohmen

This is an episode you’ll want to listen to more than once – and probably with a note pad.

Frank Holmes oversees over $3 billion (with a “b”) of assets and 4 of his funds are in the top 25 best performing.  We think that means he’s qualified to have an opinion about economic issues.  Of course, his focus is stocks and bonds, but we’ve learned that the stock, bond, commodities and real estate markets are all interrelated. The mortgage meltdown and subsequent (and unprecedented) decline in U.S. real estate values was directly tied to what was happening in the bond market.

Bert Dohmen is a renowned market analyst with over three decades of experience.  More importantly, he boasts an impressive track record of having accurately predicted the start of every recession over the last 33 years.  We asked him his secret and he answered, “Technical analysis”.

Really?  Our friend Robert Kiyosaki (who’s agreed to join us live and in person for the entire week for our 2012 Investor Summit at Sea™) has been talking about the importance of technical analysis for real estate investors.  So it’s something we’ve become very interested in.   Watch for more on this topic in the weeks and months ahead.

For now, listen in and discover what some of the biggest brains in the business of managing money think about where we are, where we’re headed and what’s likely to happen next.

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