Taking a Quantum Leap through Syndication

Incremental growth is interesting … but quantum growth is exhilarating and enriching!

With your own funds, you can grow your portfolio gradually over time. But we’re talking years and years.

Graduate to bigger deals on a shorter timeline by taking a quantum leap … with syndication.

Smart investors use syndication as a strategy for turbo-charging their income AND their investments.

Learn why syndication is the key to quantum growth and how you can get started on your own syndication strategy.

In this episode of The Real Estate Guys™ show you’ll hear from:

  • Your leaping host, Robert Helms
  • His lurching co-host, Russell Gray




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Creating your own quantum leap

Whether in life or in real estate investment, it doesn’t take a genius to know you can do MORE with more resources.

There are two ways to grow your resources. You can grow them incrementally over time … or you can take a quantum leap.

The question is how. How can you go bigger … and how can you do it as quickly as possible?

You can only go so far on your own account. With the money you save and the loans you qualify for, you can build a nice portfolio.

But if you want a SUPER portfolio, it’s time to look at syndication … raising money from private investors to do bigger deals.

Syndication can sound intimidating. The irony is that it’s actually EASIER to go big than you think.

Doing more … more easily … at scale

Many investors do real estate on the side … but what if investing were your day job?

Syndication allows you to invest your money alongside your investors’ money. Plus, you get a piece of your investors’ profits because you put in the time doing the work.

One of the big benefits of real estate syndication is you are no longer limited by your own thinking or your own finances.

By working together with private investors, you have a bigger budget … and a bigger budget allows you to scale your work more effectively.

Money isn’t something to be hoarded. It’s a resource to be used.

Your job is to figure out how to make smart investments with your money and your time so when the money goes out, more comes back.

Finding deals, book keeping, filing, issuing reports … all the things you have to do when you are managing real estate … you can hire people to do for you.

By hiring experts instead of trying to do everything yourself, the quality of your work will improve.

When you hire the best, it doesn’t cost you money … it makes you money.

Syndicating lets you work at scale, which makes your job easier and helps you work better.

Leveraging your real estate experience

A quantum leap requires leverage. As a smart deal-maker, you leverage your time and your money … but you also leverage your experience resume.

All the successes … and all the failures … you’ve had in real estate deals over the years become your greatest attributes.

As a syndicator, your job is to find real estate opportunities and package them as passive investments for people who have more money than they have time.

Your experience making real estate deals for yourself makes you a valuable resource to your investors. You’ll know what markets to shop in, when to buy, and how to generate cash flow.

And with syndication, the bigger the deals you take on, the smaller the cut you can take … and still make a nice return.

This means an even bigger slice of the pie can go to your investors … making the deal more attractive for them.

Creating your own job and getting paid

When you raise money to do a syndicated deal, you are creating a job for yourself.

If you do the job well, syndication can be a very lucrative opportunity.

When you partner with private investors, you make money when the deal makes money. You get paid when your investors do.

But there are other ways to earn money as a syndicator. You can charge additional fees for all the work you are doing to manage the deal.

Some syndicators bill a fee up front called a “promote.” This fee allows them to make income while they are working to make the deal happen, so they can then bring in revenue for their investors.

You can also add fees for the time you spend working to sell a property, acquire a property, or finance your deals.

There is plenty of money to be made if the deal is good.

Getting started in syndication

You don’t have to be a multimillionaire to leap into syndication. You can start small and work your way up to bigger and bigger deals.

You do need be able to sell. You have to create deals that are attractive enough to build your investment team … and you need to be able to lead and inspire your team to action.

So, you get started in syndication the way you should start with all things real estate … education.

Syndication starts with understanding. The things you learned best in life you didn’t master because someone told you … it was because they showed you.

Place yourself in the company of other syndicators who are finding success. Ask them questions and watch how they make deals.

A great way to start is by attending The Secrets of Successful Syndication. You’ll learn the details of starting your own real estate syndication business from some of the best syndicators operating today.

And you’ll meet investors just like you who are ready to jumpstart their growth.

There’s a lot to learn … but it is learnable!

Quantum leaps start in your mind. Learn the basics, get around the right people, and be diligent.

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