The Real Estate Guys™ honor the life and legacy of Gene Guarino

It is with great sadness and heavy hearts that we share the news of our dear friend Gene Guarino’s passing.

While the many achievements of his lifetime extend far beyond his work, Gene made an undeniable impact on the real estate investing community during his 30+ years in the industry.

Gene was widely-known as the President, CEO & Founder of RAL™ Academy, having helped train tens of thousands of investors how to “Do Good and Do Well” in the mega-trend of senior assisted living. He also created and personally funded the RAL Charitable Foundation, which provides music and art for seniors in an effort to improve their mental state. 

Further, he was a devoted friend, husband, and father. He took great pride in his family, grounded in his intention to create a legacy for his children and future generations.

Gene was a mentor to many and a friend to all he met. Our hearts are with his family and the many lives he touched during his time here on earth.

We’re thankful for the memories we’ve created together through the years, and truly honored to have had the opportunity to know him.

We’ll miss you buddy … Until we meet again.


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