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Kiyosaki, Griffin and Black on Paying Attention and Choosing Wisely

Our latest show was recorded with you in mind – it’s a special one, unlike anything we’ve ever shared before! It takes place while cruising the open seas during our 15th annual Summit at Sea™.

You get to be a fly on the wall during an organic, non-scripted conversation with three of the world’s smartest experts in real estate and investing. (Lucky you!)

The way we see it, life is a buffet. And it’s up to you to choose wisely about what to put on your metaphorical plate. Our guests are here to help you choose the right portions. They will be dishing out juicy tips about how to get ahead of the game … and stay ahead.

In our latest show you will hear from:

  • Your bold Master and Commander, Robert Helms
  • His co-captain, Russell Gray
  • Mega bestselling author and investing expert, Robert Kiyosaki
  • Legendary author and film producer, Edward Griffin
  • International entrepreneur and founder of “Sovereign Man,” Simon Black



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The buffet is open

Every year at the Summit at Sea™, we witness an interesting paradox. Some of the brightest people gather onboard a beautiful cruise ship and we spend our time sharing wisdom and learning from each other.

But when we come out of our classes and go on deck, we see the other side of the coin. We see people lined up at the buffets and bars who are just waiting for things to happen to them.

“I call these people the victims,” Simon Black says. “The world is changing so fast. Demographics are changing. We have to make decisions on a daily basis about how to create capital. When you have uncertain times, there is something to be said about getting together with the tribe at an event like Summit.”

That’s is something we can all agree on: property sharing at its finest. Intellectual property, that is.

“The truth of the matter is all the great shifts in history have been driven by 1-2% of the population,” G. Edward Griffin says. “The rest were just followers.”

Look who’s talking

We all want to affect real change. Events like Summit at Sea™ are a catalyst for change. The power is palpable.

Ed, Simon, and Robert are three of our outstanding faculty members who use their life experiences to engage the minds of millions by creating valuable educational tools.

Ed’s work is astounding. His books, such as The Creature from Jekyll Island and The Fearful Master have changed how we think about the world around us.

Simon’s international entrepreneurship training teaches others how to make more money and keep that money, which ultimately increases personal freedom.

Robert is best known for his little purple book that continues to cause a financial revolution. Rich Dad, Poor Dad has been motivating people around the world to reshape their financial goals for 20 years.

History repeats itself

The best way to prepare for the future, whatever that may be, is to look to the past for answers to today’s economic and geopolitical questions.

“Everything that is happening has happened before to some extent,” explains Simon. “If we think about the Ottoman Empire, we see that the people existed to support the Empire rather than the other way around. I hope this isn’t our future, but we have seen similar instances in our own lives.”

Civilizations have come and gone. Ancient Rome. Babylon. Greece. Once thriving metropolises left in shambles because people weren’t willing to read the signs.

What are the signs to look for?

“We need to watch for the corruption of money,” says Robert.

As a kid, Robert would collect dimes, quarters, and half dollars because he had a suspicion money wasn’t exactly as it once was. Turns out, he was right.

“In Roman times they would steal silver by filing it off coins,” Robert says. “In 1964, the U.S. did a similar thing by using cheaper metals to plate the coins. And as a kid, I knew what was happening just by the looking at my money.”

Like Robert, we know human beings are intuitively smart about their money. Sometimes their education just needs a little fine-tuning.

“We are smart enough to read the signs,” Robert adds. “We know that when bad money comes into circulation, good money goes into hiding.”

Taxation without representation

What about the new hot-button topic? Taxes.

We want people to start thinking differently about taxes and their income in general. Once people can see innovative answers to basic questions about taxes, debt, capital gain, and investing, we’ll have a nation armed with the keys to success.

“Tax is one of my favorite topics,” says Simon. “Many people still believe the idea of paying taxes is moral. That we are somehow morally obligated to pay. But if we look, we’ll see an overwhelming level of waste and fraud.”

Robert has also been thinking unconventionally about taxes for years. And his financial journey ultimately turned his investments, savings, and other capital — maybe even the coins he collected as a kid — into millions of dollars.

“My whole game is to make millions of dollars while not paying taxes — legally, of course,” Robert says. “The reason the rich are getting richer is because they have no debt and they don’t pay taxes.”

Outsourcing our problems

Ultimately, what we want our listeners to gain from hearing these experts is they have the power to choose. With education and proactivity, they can earn millions, find true success, and make the world a better place.

Today’s problems might reflect our past, but they don’t have to be our future. We CAN’T sit back and let the changes just happen. We CAN’T outsource. We have to be it all — the manager, CEO, and owner of our destiny.

We have to think differently. Past generations may have faced similar issues to our current wealth gaps, stock inflation, and housing bubble, but it’s our job to discover new answers.

At the end of the day, we’d say humanity is something you can always bet on …

… and take straight to the bank.

“I think all the trends point out that we are on the verge of a financial emergency,” Ed explains. “But the root word of emergency is emerge … and those who plan and think will emerge from the rubble better than before.”

The sweetest reward

The buffet of life is spread across the table and you get to choose your reward. So will you take the Jell-O or go for the crème brûlée? There is no better time than now to take control of your life. And there is no better way than joining us and other field experts at our next annual Summit at Sea™ event.

To learn more about upcoming registration, please visit our website for information about the advance notice list.

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