single-family homes

Newsfeed: Multi-Family Unit Surge Sparks Rise in Housing Starts, Permits In March

Newsfeed: Multi-Family Unit Surge Sparks Rise in Housing Starts, Permits In March

As mortgage rates rise, homebuilder sentiment slips, and home sales weaken, analysts expected housing permits and starts to fall MoM in March but, thanks in part to downward revisions for Feb’s data, Housing Starts surprised with a +0.3% MoM rise (vs -1.6% MoM exp) and Permits up 0.4% MoM (vs -2.4% MoM exp)…

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Newsfeed: Elon Musk Recommends Investing In ‘Physical Things’ – Here Are 3 Physical Assets That Perform Well During High Inflation

Newsfeed: Elon Musk Recommends Investing In ‘Physical Things’ – Here Are 3 Physical Assets That Perform Well During High Inflation

Tesla Inc. (NASDAQ: TSLA) CEO Elon Musk posted in a Twitter thread on Monday advising followers to own “physical things” when inflation is high. In the tweet, Musk said “As a general principle, for those looking for advice from this thread, it is generally better to own physical things like a home or stock in companies you think make good products, than dollars when inflation is high.

Newsfeed: Elon Musk Recommends Investing In ‘Physical Things’ – Here Are 3 Physical Assets That Perform Well During High Inflation Read More »

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