1/3/10: Happy New Year with Gary Eldred – What Does 2010 Hold?

The easiest thing in the world to do is predict the past.  But what about the future?  As we enter a brand new decade, what does the future of real estate look like?  To find that out, The Real Estate Guys climbed the proverbial technology mountain to connect with a real estate sage – all the way from Dubai!

Sitting on the mountain top for this broadcast:

  • Your real estate guru, Robert Helms
  • Pillow fluffer and co-guru, Russell Gray
  • Trump University faculty member, best selling author, seasoned real estate and renowned consultant, Dr. Gary Eldred, PhD.

Digging through technological challenges, The Real Estate Guys mined some golden nuggets of wisdom from special guest, Gary Eldred who called in all the way from Dubai!  As someone who has studied, taught, invested, and consulted on real estate for decades, Dr. Eldred has earned the right to have an opinion.  We talk stocks, bonds, gold and real estate.  Gary tells us which asset class he believes will outperform all others in the new decade – and why.

Gary also reveals his strategy for hedging against economic uncertainty.  He tells us which type of mortgage he prefers right now and why.  As one of the most well traveled investors we know, we also were intrigued by Gary’s comments China, India and Africa – and how what’s happening there affects real estate in the US and other parts of the world.  Of course, since he was calling from Dubai (where he is currently working) and Dubai’s been top of the financial news recently,  we made sure to talk about that too!

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