1/16/11: The Age of the Entrepreneur – Creating a Future and Not a Job with Ken McElroy

One of our favorite quotes comes from hockey legend Wayne Gretzky: “A good hockey player plays where the puck is. A great hockey player plays where the puck is going to be.”

Of course, a statement like that carries even more weight because the person saying it is highly qualified to have an opinion worth listening to.

So when we think about wanting to be great real estate investors, we like to listen to people who are highly qualified to tell us where they think “the opportunity puck” is going to be.  We’re very fortunate to have access to just such a person.

Do YOU want to hear what he has to say?  We thought so!

Skating across the icy landscape of a jobless economic recovery discussing where the opportunity puck is going to be:

  • The Center of Attention, Host Robert Helms
  • Your On the Right Wing Co-Host, Russell Gray
  • Special Guest, Robert Kiyosaki Rich Dad Real Estate Advisor, Ken McElroy,

In case you don’t know, Ken is a self-made millionaire real estate entrepreneur.  He started out as a property manager, began investing, and then expanded by syndicating big deals.  While the rest of the world was crying about the how “bad” the real estate market was over the last two years, Ken was out acquiring over $300 million of properties – mostly apartment buildings.

In addition to being a successful businessman and prolific investor, Ken is the Real Estate Advisor to Robert Kiyosaki, the author of mega-best seller Rich Dad Poor Dad.  Ken is also a best selling author himself.  His latest book, The Sleeping Giant, was just recently released.

But what we’ve learned about Ken is that in addition to all of the above (and being a super nice guy!), he is a very strategic thinker.  As a big time apartment investor, he pays close attention to the jobs market.  He spends a lot of time thinking about where and why jobs are being created (or not) because the need and ability to pay for housing is directly tied to jobs.

So during a phone call to discuss our upcoming Summit at Sea™ (shameless plug) where Ken will us as special guest faculty, he said he thinks he knows where the jobs puck is going. Well, THAT certainly piqued our interest, so we invited him to share his ideas with our radio audience, which is the basis for this episode.

Then, the conversation transitioned into a discussion of what someone should be doing TODAY to be ready for what’s coming tomorrow.  That led to a decision to do a special conference call with both Ken and Wayne, which we called our 2011 Conference Call to Action: Designing Your BEST YEAR EVER – Developing 20/20 Hindsight in 2011. We actually recorded and released the conference call first because we didn’t want to wait for the next radio show broadcast to get the information out.

So rather than steal any of the thunder from what Ken says in this episode, just listen in and you can hear from Ken directly.


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